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Personality - Futurelight EYE-108 Bedienungsanleitung

Vorschau ausblenden Andere Handbücher für EYE-108:


Verfügbare Sprachen

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Status settings
Address via DMX
With this function, you can adjust the desired DMX-address via an external controller.
• Select "Address via DMX" by pressing Up or Down.
• Press the Enter-button, the display shows "ON" or "OFF".
• Press Up or Down to select "ON" if you wish to enable this function or "OFF" if you don't.
• Press the Enter-button to confirm.
• Press the Mode/Esc-button in order to return to the main menu.
• On the controller, set the DMX-value of channel 1 to "7".
• Set the DMX-value of channel 2 to "7"or "8". When set to "7" you can adjust the starting address between 1
and 255. When set to "8" you can adjust the starting address between 256 and 511.
• Set the DMX-value of channel 3 to the desired starting address. If you want to set the starting address to
57, set channel 1 to "7", channel 2 to "7" and channel 3 to "57". If you want to set the starting address to 420,
set channel 1 to "7", channel 2 to "8" and channel 3 to "164" (256+164=420).
• Wait for approx. 20 seconds and the unit will carry out a reset. After that, the new starting address is set.
No DMX status
With the function "No DMX status", you can set different modes if there is no DMX-signal.
• Select "Close, Hold, Auto or Music" by pressing Up or Down.
• Press the Enter-button, the display shows "Hold".
• Press Up or Down to select between "Close", "Hold", "Auto" or "Music".
• Press the Enter-button to confirm.
• Press the Mode/Esc-button in order to return to the main menu.
With this function, you can close the shutter and set the device to center position if there is no DMX-signal.
This mode equals the settings Auto = OFF and Music = OFF.
With this function, the device remains in the last received DMX-program if there is no DMX-signal.
With the function "Auto", you can set the device to auto run if there is no DMX-signal.
With the function "Music", you can set the device to sound-controlled program-run if there is no DMX-signal.
PAN Reverse
With this function you can reverse the Pan-movement.
TILT Reverse
With this function you can reverse the Tilt-movement.
Fine resolution
With this function you can switch the device from 16 bit to 8 bit resolution.
• Select "Fine resolution" by pressing Up or Down.
• Press the Enter-button, the display shows "ON" or "OFF".
• Press Up or Down to select "ON" in order to set 16 bit, or "OFF" in order to set 8 bit. The channels PAN
Fine and TILT Fine will be disabled.
• Press the Enter-button to confirm.
• Press the Mode/Esc-button in order to return to the main menu.
PAN degree
With this function you can select the PAN-degree.
• Select "PAN degree" by pressing Up or Down.
• Press the Enter-button, the display shows "540".
• Press Up or Down to select the desired degree between "540" and "630".
• Press the Enter-button to confirm.
• Press the Mode/Esc-button in order to return to the main menu.
00047714.DOC, Version 1.0


