the four context sensitive keys
to paragraph 3.6 SETTING PARAMETERS.
The deviation (step 100 Hz) may be changed from:
❙ ±200 Hz to ±150 kHz (<16 MHz)
❙ ± 2 kHz to ±400 kHz (16 - 250 MHz)
❙ ± 1 kHz to ±100 kHz (250 - 500 MHz)
❙ ± 1 kHz to ±200 kHz (500 -1000 MHz)
❙ ± 2 kHz to ±400 kHz (1000 -3000 MHz)
The return to the previous menu is possible by pressing
and the return to the main display by
the PREV. key
pressing the ESC key
Example 8:
For FM sine, the display shows:
(deviation: 400 kHz)
Example 9:
For FM square, the display shows:
CH1: modulation signal
CH2: modulated signal (deviation: 80 kHz)
4 .3
Phase modulation (PM)
After selecting DEV (PM MEMU) using the context sensi-
tive keys
, the display shows:
For more details, refer
A new value of this deviation can be entered from the data
or modified by
the four context sensitive keys
to paragraph 3.6 SETTING PARAMETERS.
The deviation range may be set from:
❙ 0 to 3.14 rad (<16 MHz)
❙ 0 to 10 rad (16 – 3000 MHz)
❙ Setting with a step of 0.01 rad.
The return to the previous menu is possible by pressing
and the return to the main display by
the PREV. key
pressing the ESC key
Example 10:
For PM sine (deviation: 1 rad), the display shows:
Example 11:
For PM square, the display shows:
CH1: modulation signal
CH2: modulated signal (deviation: 1 rad)
Types of Modulation
the rotary knob
or by one of
For more details, refer