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Output Panel; Rear Panel; Safety Notes; Applications - Stageline PMX-122FX Bedienungsanleitung



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To add the input signals to the sum signal,
use the faders AUX RTN 1 and 2 (19).
Note: When connecting a mono unit, only use the
jack LEFT (MONO). The signal will then be inter-
nally sent to the right and left channels.
29 Input jacks and output jacks (RCA) for a
recorder; a 3.5 mm jack is also provided as
an input
The sum signal after the fader MAIN MIX (39)
is available at the jacks TAPE OUT.
To add the signal of the jacks AUX IN / TAPE
IN to the sum signal, use the control
2-TRACK IN (34).

1.3 Output panel

30 Fader MONO to adjust the level of the mono
sum signal at the jack MONO (52) and to
adjust the volume of the mono sum signal
when it is sent to the power amplifier [assign-
ment switch (37) in the position MONO
31 Button AFL (with LED indicator) to monitor
the mono sum signal after the fader MONO
(30) via headphones or a monitor system
connected to the jack PHONES / CTRL-
ROOM (51). To have the level indicators (45)
indicate the signal, make sure that the button
(43) beneath the indicators is pressed.
32 Control THRESHOLD to adjust the threshold
value; when this value is exceeded, the
stereo sum signal will be compressed
33 Level controls AUX 1 – 4 for the total signals
of the four send ways that are available at the
outputs AUX SENDS (38); the signals of the
send ways AUX 3 and 4 will also be sent to
the internal effect processors
34 Control 2-TRACK IN to add the signal of the
jacks AUX IN / TAPE IN (29) to the sum signal
35 7-band equalizer for the sum signal
36 Switch POWER AMP to switch on / off the
power amplifier
37 Switch to assign the operation mode to the
power amplifier
upper position = The power amplifier oper-
ates in stereo mode and amplifies the left
and the right sum signals.
mid position = The power amplifier operates
in 2-channel mode: In the channel A, it
amplifies the signal of the send way AUX 1;
in the channel B, it amplifies the signal of
the send way AUX 2
lower position = The power amplifier oper-
ates in bridged mode (double output power
at an 8 Ω speaker) and amplifies the mono
sum signal.
38 Outputs AUX SENDS 1 – 4 (6.3 mm jacks,
unbal.) for the four send ways
39 Fader MAIN MIX to adjust the level of the
stereo sum signal at the output MAIN MIX
OUT (53) and to adjust the volume of the
stereo sum signal when it is sent to the power
amplifier [assignment switch (37) in the posi-
tion MAIN L / MAIN R]
40 Button COMP/ LIM (with LED indicator) to
switch on the compressor for the stereo sum
41 Control RATIO to adjust the compression
42 Volume control PHONES / CTRL-ROOM for
the output PHONES / CTRL-ROOM (51)
43 Button AFL / PFL – MAIN (with LED indicator)
to select the signal that is to be indicated by
the level indicators (45) and to be sent to the
output PHONES / CTRL-ROOM (51)
Button disengaged:
The stereo sum signal after the fader MAIN
MIX (39) will be indicated and sent to the
Button pressed:
The signal of a channel whose button PFL
(3, 21) or AFL (31, 44) is pressed will be
indicated and sent to the output PHONES /
44 Button AFL (with LED indicator) to monitor
the signal of the jacks AUX IN / TAPE IN (29)
after the control 2-TRACK IN (34) via head-
phones or a monitor system connected to the
jack PHONES / CTRL-ROOM (51). To have
the level indicators (45) indicate the signal,
make sure that the button (43) beneath the
indicators is pressed.
45 Level indicators; indicate the level of the sig-
nal that has been selected to be monitored by
means of the output PHONES / CTRL-ROOM
(51), see item 43
46 Button MUTE (with LED indicator) to mute
the signal at the input AUX IN / TAPE IN (29)
47 Button EQ ON (with LED indicator) to switch
on the equalizer for the sum signal
49 LED indicators A (for the left channel of the
power amplifier) and B (for the right channel
of the power amplifier)
= Signal indication
CLIP = Overload indication
PROT. = The protective circuit has switched
off the power amplifier, e. g. in case
of overheating or in case of short cir-
cuit at one of the jacks SPEAKERS
(57, 58).
50 Connection FOOT-SW 1/ 2 (6.3 mm jack, 3
poles) for two foot pedals to switch on / off the
internal effect processors (connection see
chapter 4.9)
51 Output PHONES / CTRL-ROOM (6.3 mm jack,
unbal.) to connect stereo headphones (mini-
mum impedance: 8 Ω) or a control monitor
52 Line output MONO (6.3 mm jack, unbal.) for
the mono sum signal
53 Line output MAIN MIX OUT for the stereo sum
signal (XLR, bal. and 6.3 mm jacks, unbal.)

1.4 Rear panel

54 Mains jack for connection to a mains socket
(230 V~ / 50 Hz) via the mains cable supplied
55 Support for the mains fuse
Always replace a blown fuse by a fuse of the
same type.
56 POWER switch
57 Speaker jacks (6.3 mm jacks)
alternative to the jacks (58)
58 Speaker jacks (SPEAKON
alternative to the 6.3 mm jacks (57)

2 Safety Notes

The unit corresponds to all relevant directives of
the EU and is therefore marked with
WARNING The unit uses dangerous mains
Please observe the following items in any case:
The unit is suitable for indoor use only. Protect
it against dripping water and splash water,
high air humidity and heat (admissible ambient
temperature range: 0 – 40 °C).
Do not place any vessel filled with liquid on the
unit, e. g. a drinking glass.
The heat generated inside the unit must be
dissipated by air circulation; never cover the
air vents of the housing.
Do not operate the unit and immediately dis-
connect the mains plug from the socket
1. if the unit or the mains cable is visibly dam-
2. if a defect might have occurred after the unit
was dropped or suffered a similar accident,
3. if malfunctions occur.
In any case the unit must be repaired by skilled
Never pull the mains cable to disconnect the
mains plug from the socket; always seize the
For cleaning only use a dry, soft cloth; never
use water or chemicals.
No guarantee claims for the unit and no liabil-
ity for any resulting personal damage or mate-
rial damage will be accepted if the unit is used
for other purposes than originally intended, if it
is not correctly connected or operated, or if it is
not repaired in an expert way.
If the unit is to be put out of operation
definitively, take it to a local recycling
plant for a disposal which is not harmful
to the environment.

3 Applications

This audio mixer with integrated stereo power
amplifier (class D, 2 × 400 W
ers) is suited for various PA and recording appli-
cations. It is designed as a table-top unit and
provides 12 mono input channels and 2 stereo
input channels for connecting microphones (also
phantom-powered) and audio sources with line
output level (e. g. instruments, players).
The input signals can be added to a stereo
sum channel, a mono sum channel and four
send ways. Two digital effect processors are
available for adding effects. Headphones or a
monitor system may be connected for monitor-
ing the audio mix or for pre-fader listening to indi-
vidual channel signals.
voltage. Leave servicing to skilled
personnel only and do not insert
anything into the air vents! Inex-
pert handling of the unit may result
in electric shock.
at 4 Ω speak-


