4.1 Getting the system ready for operation
Before greasy waste water is filled into the system
it must be cleaned completely (included inlets and outlets);
solids and coarse materials must be removed.
The cleaned system must be filled with cold water up to the over-
flow (this is not relevant, of course, if the tanks have been che-
cked for airtightness and the water has not been pumped out).
4.2 Instruction / handover
Initial operation and instruction are generally carried out by a fitter,
but they can also be carried out by someone sent by KESSEL on
request and for an extra charge.
1. The following persons should be present for the handover:
➤ Person authorised to perform the acceptance on behalf of the
building owner
➤ Sanitary fitter
In addition, we recommend the participation of
➤ Operating staff
➤ Disposal company
2. Preparation of instruction and handover:
➤ Sanitary installations must have been completed
➤ The system must be ready to be filled with water (see sec.4.1)
The first disposal must be carried out within 2-3 weeks of initial
Disposal intervals:
According to EN 1825, grease separator systems must be dispo-
sed every 2 weeks or at least once per month, depending on the
Caution: Correct function can only be guaranteed if the system
amount of grease collected.
content is disposed of in good time.
For this reason, a disposal contract should be concluded with an
expert company. If possible, disposal work should be carried out
outside business hours. When the separator tank is opened, odour
pollution must be expected.
5.1 Performing the disposal
Grease separator basic version
(Caution! Risk of injury)
Carefully loosen the clamping ring and take the cover off
drain part and evacuate the tank. Caution: Damage to the
➤ Move the suction spout of the disposal vehicle past the feed or
installed components leads to problems with the separa-
ting function.
➤ Clean the tank walls, dispose of residue grease
➤ Fill tanks with water
➤ Clean and check cover seal (renew if necessary)
(Caution! Risk of injury)
➤ Carefully close the cover with the clamping ring
5.2 Performing the disposal
Direct-disposal grease separator
Connect the external connection to the disposal vehicle, dispose the
contents of the separator.
4. Operation
3. Instruction:
➤ Check the system for airtightness, transport and set-up dama-
ge and check the pipe connections
➤ Information about emptying (extraction)
➤ Practical demonstration of the operating possibilities
4. Handover of installation and operating instructions
5. Drawing up the handover certificate.
Once the instruction has been completed, the plant must be
made ready for operation again.
4.3 Handover certificate (see chapter 9)
Operating instructions must be displayed near the separator.
The disposal procedure must be carried out exactly accor-
ding to instructions.
Only allow approved disposal companies to carry out dispo-
sal from the grease separator system. Subject to technical
5. Disposal
If necessary:
(Caution! Risk of injury)
Carefully loosen the clamping ring and take the cover off
➤ Clean the tank walls, remove residue grease
➤ Evacuate the tank contents
➤ Fill tanks with water
➤ Clean and check cover seals (renew if necessary)
(Caution! Risk of injury)
➤ Carefully close the cover with the clamping ring
5.3 Performing the disposal with grease separator D + S
Connect the external connection to the disposal vehicle and
dispose the contents of the separator.
➤ Switch the pump on directly after starting the disposal procedu-
re. To do this, press button I (black) on the motor protection
switch. The pump begins to mix up the complete contents of
the grease separator evenly. Any foreign matter in the tank is
crushed and the tank walls are cleaned at the same time.
Shortly before the emptying of the tank is complete:
➤ Open the shut-off valve in the filling device. Cold water runs into
the tank and supports the cleaning process.
➤ After disposal of the tank contents and cleaning, switch the
pump off. To do this, press button O (red) on the motor protecti-
on switch.
➤ Stop the evacuation process.
➤ Close the shut-off valve of the filling device once the system has
been filled (up to the overflow).
If necessary:
(Caution! Risk of injury)
➤ Carefully loosen the clamping ring and take the cover off
➤ Clean and check cover seal (renew if necessary)
(Caution! Risk of injury)
➤ Carefully close the cover with the clamping ring