4.5 Connection to the PC (Programming)
For communication between PC and measuring system the measuring system is
provided with a MINI-USB interface. The programming of the parameters is performed
with the programming software "TRWinProg" ex V5.11, Soft-No.: 490-00416.
The measuring system is detected and integrated automatically as a "Standard HID-
Device" at the USB interface. Therefore no additional device drivers are necessary.
Maximal 7 measuring systems can be connected to a PC at the same time, also see
chapter "Low-Address HID" on page 45.
System Requirements
By means of the USB PC adapter HID V5, alternatively the measuring system can
also be connected via the programming lines TRWinProg– and TRWinProg+, see
Installation Guide www.tr-electronic.de/f/TR-E-TI-DGB-0103.
Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
IBM compatible PC
One available USB interface
Operating system Windows
Programming software "TRWinProg" ex V5.11 (DLL3.1.6) -->
TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0026 - 00
ex version 98SE
TR-Electronic GmbH 2017, All Rights Reserved
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