12. Error Diagnosis
Error messages are always represented by an „E" and the corresponding
error in the display of KEB COMBIVERT S4. In the following the displayed
indications and their causes are described.
Occurs when the DC-link voltage drops below the permissible value.
Causes: - input voltage too low or instable
- inverter rating too low
- voltage losses through wrong wiring
- supply voltage from generator/transformer breaks down
at very short ramps
- one phase of input voltage missing (ripple detection)
Occurs when the DC-link voltage rises above the permissible value.
Causes: - input voltage too high
- interference voltages at the input
- deceleration ramp too short
- braking resistor incorrectly connected
- braking module defective
Occurs when the specified peak current is exceeded.
Causes: - short circuit at the output
- ground fault
- motor cable too long
Occurs when a too large load is applied longer than the permissible
time allows (see Technical Data).
Causes: - mechanical fault or overload in the application
- wrong dimensioned inverter
- wrong wired motor
Occurs when the heat sink temperature rises above the permissible
limit (see Technical Data).
Causes: - insufficient cooling
- surrounding temperature too high
- ventilator clogged
Error Diagnosis
GB 43