4.2 Controlled mode
In controlled mode, each operation of a LLB-60-D is triggered by a command sent from a host system
over a serial line. While a single device can be connected to the host system using the RS232
interface, up to 10 devices can be connected to a single serial RS422 line. The related command set
is described in Chapter 10 on page 80.
4.2.1 Configuration
After connecting the module, the steps below are necessary to configure the LLB-60-D for the
controlled interface mode.
Set ID switch
Set controlled mode
Set communication
1) Commands are described in chapter 10 Command set on page 80
If the communication parameters of the module are lost, please reset the configuration to the factory
settings (9 Factory settings on page 79) using the reset button (see 7.2 Reset switch on page 76).
Please note that the ID switch must be reset manually.
4.2.2 Host software
Host software is required for operation of the LLB-60-D in controlled mode. When connecting multiple
devices to a single serial line (RS422), strict Master-Slave communication must be implemented
(LLB-60-D operates as slave).
Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
Changes of the module ID are
activated after a power cycle.
Example for module 0:
Change the ID Switch to position 0
Set the LLB-60-D to the controlled
mode, if not already in controlled
Example for module 0:
Set to controlled mode by means of
the stop command.
If necessary, change the settings for
the serial interface.
Example for module 0:
Set serial interface to 19200 Baud,
8 Bit, no Parity
Danger of physical injury and damage to property by accidentally
commands !
Careful testing of the host software together with the devices prior to
installation is strongly recommended.
TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0015 - 02
Device setup
Set ID switch to position 0
Power OFF; Wait 10s;
Power ON
Power OFF; Wait 10s; Change
settings on the host;
Power ON
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