Access to the safety-oriented data channel ACK_REQ
If a communication error is detected by the F-System for the measuring system, a
passivation of the measuring system is performed. ACK_REQ = 1 indicates that an
operator acknowledgment for the measuring system is required.
The F-System sets the variable ACK_REQ = 1 as soon as the error has been
eliminated and an operator acknowledgment is possible. After the acknowledgment
the variable ACK_REQ is reset to 0 by the F-System. IPAR_OK
The variable IPAR_OK is used to indicate successful execution of the preset
adjustment function. The process sequence for execution of this function is described
in the device specific user manual.
A precise description of how the variable can be analyzed in the event of a re-
parameterization of fail-safe DP standard slaves/IO standard devices can be found in
the PROFIsafe Specification from V1.20, or the documentation on the fail-safe
DP Standard Slave/IO Standard Device. DIAG
The DIAG variable provides non-fail-safe information of 1 byte on errors that have
occurred, for service purposes. Access to this variable in the safety program is not
The coding and use of this variable can be found in the SIEMENS manual
S7 Distributed Safety - Configuring and Programming, document order number:
5.3 Access to variables of the F-Periphery-DB
F-Periphery-DB is generated automatically during compilation in HW Config and a
symbolic name is entered in the symbol table at the same time.
The symbolic name is formed from the fixed prefix "F", the initial address of the
F-Periphery and the name entered for the F-Periphery in HW Config in the Object
Properties, max. 17 characters.
Variables of the F-Periphery-DB of an F-Periphery may only be accessed from an
F-Runtime Group and only from the F-Runtime Group from which the channels of this
F-Periphery are accessed, when access is available.
The variables of the F-Periphery-DB can be accessed by specifying the symbolic
name of the F-Periphery-DB and the name of the variable: "fully qualified DB access"
It must be ensured in SIMATIC Manager, that in the FBD/LAD Editor in the menu
Options --> Customize in the General register the option "Report cross-accesses
as error" is not activated. Otherwise access to variables of the F-Periphery-DB will not
be possible.
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