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Cleaning Before Use; The Telescopic Rails - hanseatic 65M90E0-E11A99G Gebrauchsanleitung

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Cleaning before use

Risk of damage to property!
Harsh cleaning products, abrasives,
steel wool sponges and oven sprays can
damage the surface of the appliance.
High-pressure or steam cleaners can
cause a short circuit.
■ Do not use any harsh cleaning prod-
ucts, abrasives, steel wool sponges or
oven spray to clean.
■ Do not use high-pressure or steam
cleaners to clean. High-pressure
cleaners can cause a short circuit.
The oven must be pre-cleaned to remove all
grease and oil residues from the manufactur-
ing process, as well as tough dust deposits
leftover from storage and transportation. This
not only helps protect your health but also en-
sures delicious cakes and roasts.
1. Remove the oven rack and baking tray
from the oven.
2. Push the deep dripping pan into the low-
est slot.
3. Pour about 0.6 l of water into the dripping
4. Set the left toggle switch (9) to "Top/bot-
tom heat" and the right toggle switch (15)
to 50 °C.
5. Press the Start button
6. Switch off the oven after 1 hour and allow
the water to cool.
7. Clean the cooking compartment and the
accessories with a cloth or sponge with
hot water and a squirt of washing-up liq-
uid or all-purpose cleaner. You can now
use the oven normally.

The telescopic rails

There are 2x2 removable telescopic rails at-
tached to the side walls of your oven. These
make it easier for you to remove baking trays
and racks from the oven, for example, to
baste roasts.
1. Mandrels (33) are attached to the front of
2. Mount the oven rack, baking tray or drip-
Final preparations
the telescopic rails. Pull out the telescopic
rails completely and by the same amount.
This is the only way to correctly mount the
oven rack, baking tray or dripping pan into
the mandrels.
ping pan into the mandrels (33) to fix
them to the telescopic rails.
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