11.10 Dual rate for the drive function, "TH-D/R" knob
Use the "TH-D/R" knob (fig. 1, no. 10) to limit the driving speed. This is how you can familiarise yourself with the
vehicle and its behaviour. This control is especially useful for beginners with little experience with that fast vehicles.
During the adjustment, one of the LEDs (fig. 1, no. 13) indicates the setting, and the LED display
changes back to the battery status if the knob is not moved for approx. 5 seconds.
Please note:
If you turn the knob all the way to the left (counter-clockwise), you may not be able to
move the drive.
11.11 Drive function reversal, "TH" slide switch
Normally, pulling the throttle lever towards the handle on the transmitter causes the vehicle to move forward. Other-
wise, use the "TH" slide switch (fig. 1, no. 15) to reverse the movement direction of the drive.
Please note:
In case the brushless motor has been disconnected from the speed controller (e.g. for vehicle repair) and
the vehicle then moves in the wrong direction, swap two of the three motor cables instead of operating the
slide switch.
11.12 EPA setting
The abbreviation "EPA" stands for "End Point Adjustment", which means the adjustment of the end position.
EPA setting for the steering function:
This setting enables you to set the maximum permissible deflection for the steering servo to the left and right to pre-
vent it from blocking mechanically (and thus preventing it from damaging the gearbox). A separate adjustment of the
steering servo in both directions of rotation is possible.
The steering servo comes pre-adjusted and requires no changes from the user. When installing a new or
different steering servo, be sure to check the end stop of the steering servo and readjust it if necessary. It
may also be necessary to adjust the trim for the steering function.
EPA setting for the drive function:
Changing the EPA setting for the drive function limits the maximum forward and reverse speed. A separate adjustment
for the forward and reverse travel is possible.
The steering servo comes pre-adjusted and requires no changes from the user. For example, you can use
the EPA setting to limit the forward speed but leave the reverse speed unchanged (unlike the dual rate
setting, which changes both speeds at the same time). After changing the EPA setting, you may need to
adjust the trim for the driving function (see section 11.9) and change the neutral and full throttle position
on the speed controller (see section 15.1).