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Getting Started - Medisana MTR Gebrauchsanweisung

Blutdruckmessgerät mit radio


Verfügbare Sprachen
  • DE

Verfügbare Sprachen

  • DEUTSCH, seite 9
There are many factors that can influence blood pressure. Readings
Fluctuations in
can be affected seriously by stress, fear, heavy physical exertion or
blood pressure
the time of day at which the measurements are taken. Your personal
blood pressure values are subject to considerable fluctuation during
the course of the day and the year. These fluctuations are particularly
pronounced in the case of patients suffering from hypertension. Blood
pressure is usually at its highest during physical exertion and at its
lowest at night when you are asleep.
• Measure your blood pressure several times, then record and
Influencing and
compare the results. Do not draw any conclusions from a single
• Your blood pressure readings should always be evaluated by a
doctor who is also familiar with your personal medical history. When
using the unit regularly and recording the values for your doctor, you
should visit the doctor from time to time to keep him updated.
• When taking readings, remember that the daily values are influenced
by several factors. Smoking, consumption of alcohol, drugs and
physical exertion influence the measured values in various ways.
• Measure your blood pressure before meals.
• Before taking readings, allow yourself at least five minutes rest.
• If the systolic and diastolic readings seem unusual (too high or too
low) on several occasions, despite correct use of the unit, please
inform your doctor. This also applies to the rare occasions when an
irregular or very weak pulse prevents you from taking readings.

3 Getting started

1. Place the unit on a flat and even surface, so that it cannot tip over
Set-up and
or fall down.
2. If used as clock, radio or alarm clock place the unit in a distance of
approx. 40 to 50cm away from your head e.g. on a table.
3. Connect the unit to a power supply. You may use the mains adaptor
or the included batteries. If you use the mains adaptor, the display
of time and date is of better quality than during the use of batteries.
If batteries are inserted and the mains adaptor is connected to a
power source, the unit will prefer the power supply by mains adaptor
(batteries will be deactivated).
2 Useful Information / 3 Getting started
Blood pressure that is too low represents just as great a
health risk as blood pressure that is too high! Fits of
dizziness may lead to dangerous situations arising (e.g.
on stairs or in traffic)!



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