To remove the seat
1. lnsert the key and turn it counter
clockwise to open the saddle.
2. Lift and remove the saddle.
To close the seat
1. Put down the saddle and press down
gently on the back to close it.
Adjusting the headlight beams
The adjustment screw (1) of the light is
used to raise or lower the height of the li-
ght beams. It may be necessary to adjust
the light beams to increase visibility and
help prevent the glare of the drivers who
come towards you when carrying a grea-
ter or lesser load than you usually do
Obey local laws and regulations when
adjusting your headlights.
To adjust the light beams, loosen the
screw (1) and move the light as shown in
the gure, until the correct adjustment is
Check if the headlamp is correctly orien-
ted by positioning the vehicle at a distan-
ce (A) 10 m from a vertical wall, on which
you have previously marked the point (X)
corresponding to the height of the center
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Instrument and control functions
of the light, and the point (Y) at a height
of 10 cm lower than (X).
The light will be correctly oriented when
the upper limit of the illuminated area
coincides with the reference (Y)
The presence of any passengers or lug-
gage a ects the orientation of the light
beam, therefore it is advisable to make the
adjustment in the con guration
with which you intend to use the vehicle.
A = 10m
Y = X-10 cm