RTSP Port: This is the port that the DVR will be allowed to transmit real-time streaming to
other device (e.g. using a streaming Media player.).
UPNP: If you want to log in remotely to the DVR using Web Client, you need to complete
the port forwarding in your router. Enable this option if your router supports the UPnP.
In this case, you do not need to configure manually port forwarding on your router.
If your router does not support UPnP, make sure the port forwarding is completed manu-
ally in your router.
This is an advanced protocol that allows the DVR to connect to the network more directly
via DSL modem.
Check the "Enable PPPOE" box, and then enter the User name & Password of the PPPoE.
This is a prior using the mobile network, you need to connect a 3G dongle to the DVR.
Enable the 3G option, enter the APN, Dial Code, User name & password according to the
instruction of your 3G dongle device.
This menu allows you to configure the Date, Time, Date Format, Time Format, Time Zone,
NTP and DST.
Date and Time
Click on the calendar icon to set the current system date.