The Graph shows measured REM curves. The X axis shows the f requency
and the Y axis shows the intensity of the test signal.
Gain/Response View allows f or toggling between viewing the curve as a
gain or response curve. Note that this option is not active f or REIG .
Measurement Type is indicated above the graph together with a right/lef t
indication. In this example the REIG is displayed f or the right ear.
Change the Input Level using the slider on the right hand side.
Scroll Graph Up/Down on the lef t hand side allows f or scrolling the graph
up or down ensuring that the curve is always visible in the middle of the
Fitting Prescription and related details can be adjusted on the right hand
side of the screen. Select your pref erred f itting prescription in the upper
dropdown list.
Choose between Berger, DSL m[i/o], Half Gain, NAL-NL1, NAL-NL2, NAL-
R, NAL-RP, POGO1, POGO2, Third Gain, or 'Custom' if you have edited
your target with the Edit/Insert target f eature.
Targets shown will be calculated based on the selected f itting prescription
and the audiogram and can be shown in the REIG and/or REAR targets. If
no audiogram has been entered into the audiogram screen, no targets
will be displayed.
Note that f itting prescription settings (such as Age and Client type) will dif fer
depending on what f itting prescription is selected.
Measurement Details of the selected curve are displayed as a table on the
right hand side of the screen.
A Curve Comment f or each curve can be typed into the comment section
on the right hand side.
Select a curve using the curve tag boxes under Curve display options and
write a comment in the comment section.
The comment will then appear in the comment section whenever the curve
is selected.
Curve Display Options are f ound in the lower right hand corner.
If you have measured more curves of the same type (e.g. REIG curves),
they will be listed by their input level. Tick the ones that are to be displayed
on the graph.
Right clicking on the input level in the curve display will give the f itter
various options
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Callisto™ – Instructions for Use - EN