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Type Plate; Packaging, Transport And Storage; Delivery; Transport - Homa Concept Plus Originalbetriebsanleitung



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

3.4. Type plate

Serial number
Year of construction
18 | EngliSH

4. Packaging, Transport and Storage

4.1. Delivery

After receipt, the shipment must be checked for damage
and completeness immediately. In the event of any de-
ficiencies, the transport company and the manufacturer
must be informed on the day of receipt, as no claims can
otherwise be made or considered valid. Any damage must
be noted on the delivery or transport receipt.

4.2. Transport

Do not throw or tip the lifting unit during transport.
Make sure that the lifting unit does not come into con-
tact with sharp edges. Protect the lifting unit from heavy
blows. The products are shipped in suitable packaging
by the manufacturer or supplier. This generally excludes
damage during transport and storage. Should you change
locations frequently, save the packaging carefully for re-

4.3. Storage

Newly delivered products are prepared for up to 1 year of
storage. If the product is being placed in interim storage, it
must be thoroughly cleaned before being stored!
The following must be observed for storage:
Place product securely on a fixed base and secure
against tipping over.
In addition, ensure that the equipment is stored in
dry areas.
Products with vacuum and/or pressure connections
must have these tightly closed to prevent contami-
During extended storage the shaft must be protected
against moisture, sunlight, heat and frost.
If you observe these regulations, your product can be
stored for a longer period of time. However, note that the
elastomer parts and coatings are subject to natural em-

4.4. Materials returned

Products that are returned to the factory must be clean
and correctly packaged. „Clean" means that the product
has been cleaned of contaminations and that it has been
contaminated in the event of use with mediums that are
hazardous to health. The packaging must protect the prod-
uct from damage. Please contact the manufacturer before
returning the product.




