1. General Information
Regulations to be observed / basic requirements
EN 13229 Inset appliances including open fires fired by solid fuels - Requirements and test methods
DIN 18896 Heat systems for solid fuels - Technical regulations for installation
DIN EN 13384 Part 1 und Part 2 Chimneys – Thermal and fluid dynamic calculation method
DIN 18160-1 Chimneys - Part 1: Design and performance
EN 12831 Calculating the heating load
State building regulations issued by the individual federal states or countries
Combustion regulations (FeuVo) governing the individual federal states or countries
Technical regulations of the furnace and air heating construction trade (TR OL) or technical regulations of other coun-
Federal immission control ordinance (BlmSchV)
The information in this manual is of a general nature. National and European standards, local and building regu-
lations, together with fire regulations must be observed.
Choosing the right size of the fireplace insert and tailoring it to the prevailing heat requirements and the needs of the
operator, is essential for the heating system to function properly and operate economically. For this reason, the system
manufacturer must calculate the heating load (heat requirement).
Please read the installation instructions carefully before commencing installation. All liability and warranty claims for
damage caused by non-observance of these installation instructions will be declared null and void. Please also observe
the instructions in the user manual.
The installation of the fireplace insert and the chimney connection should be discussed with your local master
chimney sweep.
Pre-installation inspections
Check the delivered goods immediately for completeness and damage incurred during transit.
Check that all moving parts function properly before installing the devices. In principle, all defects must be reported
before the appliance is assembled and encased.
Remove the enclosed document "Operating Instructions" and hand it over personally to the owner of the fireplace
heater with a briefing on how the appliance works (heating operation).
Description of the appliances
The Austroflamm fireplace inserts described in these installation instructions are manufactured and tested as self-clos-
ing appliances of type A1, in accordance with DIN EN 13229. Conversion to a non-self-closing door is possible, how-
ever. Please refer to the following information.
CAUTION: Heating is only permitted when the door is closed!
Conversion from type BA1 (self-closing door) to type BA2 (non-self-closing door)
48x51x51 S3 / 48x72x51 S3 / 75x35x51 S3 / 64x33x51 S3 / VUUR DRIE 60 / VUUR DRIE