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Adjusting The Speed System; Optional Stirrup; Installing The Parachute - Nova Somnium Handbuch



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Next, the loop must pass through the lumbar support.
Now the main carabiner should be threaded through all three hang loops, begin-
ning with the hip support. Right at the end the pod connector (white Dyneema
line) should be threaded through. Bypassing the black middle loop prevents the
Dyneema loop from sliding backwards.
Repeat this process on the other side of the harness.

Adjusting the speed system

Thread the speed system cords through the pulleys towards the front of the split
loops (at the back of the knee). Then thread them through two metal rings, which
are fastened to a bungee. Now connect the cords to the speed bar symmetrically (!).
Two bungees are fitted to the front of the leg loops. These should be attached to
the arced part of the speed bar. There should be enough distance between the
knots so that the speed bar cannot twist.
The correct length adjustment is important. If the cords are too short, there is
the danger that the wing is constantly accelerated, which should be avoided at all
costs. If the cords are too short there is also the possibility that the speed bar is
If the cords are set too long, it is not possible to accelerate the wing to its maxi-
mum speed.
We recommend setting the cords a little too long when first fitting the speed sys-
tem, so that the free play can be judged during flight. Then the slack can be taken
up if necessary.
Please note: if it is too long, there is a danger that the leg might catch the speed
bar when trying to close the pod. Be aware of this during your first flight. If the
speed bar is the correct length this usually does not occur. On the right hand side,
the speed bar cord must run between the red parachute bridle protector and
the harness. Under no circumstances should it be fitted to run on the outside.
This could lead to complications in the event of a parachute deployment.

Optional stirrup

As described above, the pod can be replaced with the
stirrup (supplied). If the pod is removed, the use of the
stirrup increases the comfort in the air. The stirrup can
be fitted to the harness using a screwgate carabiner.
A bungee should be used to connect the stirrup to the speed bar.
Please only use the stirrup supplied by NOVA.

Installing the parachute

The combination of parachute and harness cannot be standardised: parachutes
vary in volume depending on their size and manner of packing. The SOMNIUM is
fitted with an integrated front container, which can generally accommodate most
sizes of parachute. The maximum volume of the rescue parachute may not exceed
five liters.
For reasons of safety, compatibility checking and parachute installation should be
performed by an expert. We recommend contacting your NOVA Service partner:



