Clothing and protection
Clothing and protection recommendations
Fig. 3
Always wear a helmet. Also protect your
face (visor or glasses)
Clothing should never be loose
Wear bright or reflective colours
Wear gloves
Shoes should fit properly, have a low
heel and protect your ankles
For both your safety and that of the pas-
senger, we recommend wearing protecting
clothing suitable for riding a eScooter. Al-
though such clothing does not provide total
protection, it can considerably decrease the
probabilities of injury and the seriousness of
the consequences. Consult a specialist to
choose the clothing that suits you best.
Always wear a helmet: Proper use of
a helmet is basic and obligatory, both for
the driver and for the passenger. It must be
approved, in good condition and properly
buckled. Helmets reduce the number of head
injuries and their seriousness. We recommend
using full-face helmets (that cover the whole
head) in light, bright colours or with reflector
strips, that are lightweight and fit properly.
Wear eye protection: Always wear eye
protection: either the helmet's visor or appro-
priate glasses.
Other garments: Wear stiff boots and
leather gloves to protect feet, ankles and
hands from scratches, cuts and bruises. Wear
a suit or jacket and trousers specifically
designed for riding scooters. These should be
form-fitting and the right size, and we recom-
mend they have reflector strips.
These recommendations also apply to the
passenger if there is one.
Safe driving