2 Useful nformat on
Thank you
very much
suppl ed and
packag ng
nformat on
nhalat on
Thank you for your confidence n us and congratulat ons on your purchase!
You have acqu red a qual ty product w th your purchase of the MEDISANA
Inhalator IN 500 Compact / IN 550 Pro. To ensure the best results and
long-term sat sfact on w th your MEDISANA Inhalator un t, we recommend
that you read the follow ng operat ng and ma ntenance nstruct ons carefully.
Please check first of all that the un t s complete and s not damaged n
any way. If n doubt, do not use the appl ance. Send t to a serv ce po nt.
The follow ng parts are ncluded:
1 MEDISANA Inhalator IN 500 Compact or IN 550 Pro w th nebul zer
k t and a r tube, 1 mouthp ece, 1 nose adaptor for adults, 1 nose
adaptor for ch ldren, 1 adult mask and 1 ch ld mask
5 replacement a r filters
2 add t onal vapor zer heads (red & yellow, only for art. 54530)
2 replacement fuses (only for art. 54530)
1 Instruct on manual
The packag ng can be reused or recycled. Please d spose properly of any
packag ng mater al no longer requ red. If you not ce any transport damage
dur ng unpack ng, please contact your dealer w thout delay.
Please ensure that the polythene pack ng s kept away from the
reach of ch ldren! R sk of suffocat on!
L v ng = breath ng / Breath ng = l v ng
Often, d seases of the resp ratory system or the lung are lengthy, pa nful
and l fe restr ct ng. T mely, effect ve therap es such as nhalat on therapy
w th aerosols can be of great help and ass stance.
A gas + part cle m xture s defined as an aerosol; m st s an example of a
natural aerosol. Aerosol therapy del vers med c nes n an "a r transported"
form (e.g. nebul zed) wh ch are nhaled. The great advantage of th s
therapy (unl ke tak ng tablets for example) s that the med c nes are ad-
m n stered at the prec se po nt where they w ll have greatest effect (v a
the oro-nasalpharyngeal cav ty nto the lung) w thout pass ng through
other organs:
1. The effect s not ceably rap d.
2. There s no (s gn ficant) effect or s de effect on other organs.
3. Small quant t es of med c nes are used.