2.7 Headphones Output
This socket is for connecting headphones (Iike UHER W 765
and W 775) that are equipped with a 5-pin plug. Connecting
headphones (Iike UHER W 764 or W 774) with LS-7 plugs re-
quires using
adapter lead K 633.
With adapter K 633, a loudspeaker (min. impedance 4 ohms)
may be connected to this socket. The second connector of
the adapter may not be used to connect a second loUdspeaker,
3. Controls and Their Functions
Numbers in parentheses refer to the fald-out illustration of
the recorder at the end of the Operating Manual.
3.1 Power Switeh /Speed Seleetor (17) and LED Power
Indieator (25)
Turn this knob to seleet the desired speed and simultaneously
switch the power on. Setting the knob in position
cr 19 switches on the recorder and causes the green LED
ON (25) to light up. With the knob in any position marked 0,
the machine is switched off.
3.2 Fast Forward Wind
~ ~
Pressing this key switches the machine to fast forward wind.
Press the STOP key (21) to switeh off the fast wind mode.
3.3 RECORD Key (20) and LED Indieator (26)
Pressing the RECORD key switches the machine to record
mode, whereupon the record level may be set (see also sec. 7)
- the MONITOR switeh (15) must. however, be in S (source)
position. Tape transport may be started by pressing the RE-
CORD (20) and START (23) keys simultaneously or by holding
down the RECORD key and then pressing the START key until
it catches.
The red LED REC (26) lights up to indieate that the maehine
is in record mode.
3.4 STOP Key (21)
Pressing this key releases all activated keys except the PAUSE
and stops tape transport.
3.5 PAUSE Key (22)
Pressing down this key interrupts tape movement during both
record and playback until the key is returned to its deactivated
position (up)
3.6 START Key (23)
Pressing only this key switches the machine to playback mode
and commences tape transport. Ta start tape movement for
reeording purposes, the BECORD key (20) must also be aeti-
vated (see sec. 3.3).
Pressing the STOP key (21) stops tape transport and switehes
the machine out of playback (er record) mode.