UHER lead storage battery Z 212 may be recharged only with
the gray UHER lead K 713. Using the red recharging lead K 714
result in destroying the battery and damage to the 4000
Recharging UHER Nicad Battery Z 214
In recharging the nickel-cadmium battery Z 214, use the red
UHER K 714 lead. The gray lead (K 713) will not allow suffi-
cient recharging. Nicads may be stored over prolonged periods
of time, whether in charged cr discharged condition. As re-
charging unit, use only UHER Z 124 A 1 cr UHER car recharging
lead K 715 (for connecting the recharging unjt see sec. 1.3.2
above). Other rechargers will either ruin the battery cr jeop-
ardize its life and/ar performance.
1.4 Operation on Car Batteries
Using UHER lead K 717112-V, UHER 4000 REPORT MONITOR
mayaiso be powered by car batteries. The low power consump-
tien of the recorder allows long operation without appreciable
drain on the battery. For furt her details, see the instructions
supplied with the connecting leads.
Lead K 715 should be used when operating the recorder or
when recharging batteries Z 212 or Z 214 fram 12-volt ear
1.5 Insertion into the Carrying Caseand Removal orCarrying
UHER carrying cases Z 524 and Z 526 (all-cowhide) are de-
signed for the 4000 REPORT MONITOR. Before insertlng the
recorder into the carrying ease, however, first remove the earry-
ing handle by pressing the ends of the handle in the direction
ofthe arrow shown on them and then pushing the handle toward
the back. The handle may then be removed by lightly pulling
its ends outward.
After inserting the recorder into the earrying case, the two ends
of the carrying strap may be attached to the press-studs on
the right and left sides of the recorder. To remove the strap,
simpiy pull off the stud-caps (on the strap).
To re-mount the carrying handle, bend handle ends slightly
outward and let the seeuring lugs (on the right and left sides
of the recorder) snap into the handle ends; then pull the handle
2. Socketry
Numbers in parentheses refer to the fold-out iUustration at the
end of the Operating Manual.
2.1 HEADPHONES Output (1)
This jack is for eonnecting headphones with low or medium