17.2. Check of product operation
Check pump condition – the pumps must operate evenly without excessive vibrations or noise.
If there is any negative result, find the cause of the given condition or call service engineers.
Check fans operation (visually) – the fans must be operating when the fans are running. If there
is a negative result, look for the cause of the given condition or call service engineers.
Check if the power cord and pneumatic hoses are not damaged. Replace the damaged parts or
call service engineers.
Check ambient temperature – ambient temperature must be below temperature limit (40°C).
Improve cooling in the room if the temperature is higher.
Compressor with air dryer - open the plug on the condensate collecting bottle and drain the
17.3. Check of pneumatic connections leakage and device inspection
Leakage check
Check pneumatic connections of the compressor when the compressor is operating –
Use a leakage analyser or soapy water to check all connections for leaks. Tighten or release the
connection where leaks are found.
Device inspection
Check condition of the compressor pump – even operation, appropriate noise level.
Check fans operation – fans must be running in the defined cycles of the compressor operation.
Check function of the temperature switch (B2) – heat the temperature switch to temperature
above 40°C (e.g. using a heat gun – Be careful, do not operate with high temperature on plastic
components in the surrounding, it can cause deformation of plastic materials). Fan EV1 (and EV2
on compressor with dryer) starts up once the temperature reaches 40°C – the compressor must
be under voltage.
Check filters condition – filters must be undamaged and sufficiently clean.
Check condition of the pump itself, check if there is no dirt inside the crankcase or clearance in
the crankshaft.
Replace any defective parts if there are any failures.
17.4. Check of electrical connections
Risk of electric shock.
Check electrical connections on the device disconnected from the mains.
Check mechanical function of the main switch.
Check if the power cable and conductors are not damaged.
Visually check if cables are connected to the terminal box.
Check all screw connections of the green-yellow PE grounding conductor.
NP-DK50 2V MOBILE mini-1_11-2019