When the time has elapsed
q For program number 2, suggested value 0.50 kg,
press the : button twice.
q You can call up the weight entered during the
program. Press the : button. The weight is
displayed for 3 seconds.
q With program 1, at weights from 510 g, a signal
sounds after a certain length of time. Open the
oven door and turn the meat or poultry. Simply
press the Start button again once you have closed
the door.
A signal sounds when the time has elapsed. The
appliance switches off.
0 appears in the display.
Open the oven door or press the Stop button.
Press the Stop button twice and reset the oven.
Press the Stop button twice.
You can use the memory function to store two
settings which you use frequently. These can be
called up at any time.
Memory locations M1 and M2 are available to you.