Unlock to release (turn)
Swing the crank pendulous
Touch release button again
Change battery
Insert battery correctly
Use a more suitable film
Cover viewfinder hood against stray light
Refer to the measuring field of the exposure meter
Set the correct film speed
Pay attention to the "flash ready" indicator
Pay attention to exposure indicator at the flash after
exposure and if necessary repeat exposure with
larger aperture
Set the correct film speed on the adapter
13:56 Uhr
Seite 35
Care of the camera
The Rolleiflex requires the same care as any valuable
piece of equipment that is expected to be reliable over a
long period.
To clean, please avoid chemical solvents; instead use the
following well-proven methods:
Remove dust with a soft camel-hairbrush or air blo-
wer. If requested clean the outer surface, breathe upon
and polish them with lens cleaning paper. For protection
against static, breathe upon them and allow the mois-
ture to evaporate. Take special care in cleaning the focu-
sing screen: Upper and lower side are rough, they must
only be treated with a soft brush or air blower. Protect
from dirt and finger marks!
Protect to camera from long-term harmful effects of
steam or dampness. High humidity in tropical or
subtropical region threatens metal parts by corrosion
and glass surfaces by fungus attack. Whenever possible,
dry the camera frequently in fresh air and sunshine.
Keep the film guide surfaces clean (particles of
gelatine rubbed of the film are a breeding ground for
fungus). When the camera is not be used over long peri-
ods, keep it in an airtight container with silica gel car-
tridges. Protect the camera with particular care from any
kind of dirt.
Rolleiflex 2.8 FX / 4.0 FW