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Dmx" Connection - involight SLIMPAR710PRO Bedienungsanleitung

7 x 10w rgbwa/uv 6-in-1 led's


Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Farbmakros Tabelle:
0-3= No function
64-67= B+W
4-7= Red
68-71= B+A
8-11= Green
72-75= B+UV
12-15= Blue
76-79= W+A
16-19= White
80-83= W+UV
20-23= Amber
84-87= A+UV
24-27= UV
88-91= R+G+B
28-31= R+G
92-95= R+G+W
32-35= R+B
96-99= R+G+A
36-39= R+W
100-103= R+G+UV
40-43= R+A
104-107= R+B+W
44-47= R+UV
108-111= R+B+A
48-51= G+B
112-115= R+B+UV
52-55= G+W
116-119= R+W+A
56-59= G+A
120-123= R+W+UV
60-63= G+UV
124-127= R+A+UV
Hinweis: R---Red
3.4 „DMX" connection:
DMX512 (Digital Multiplex)
control stage lighting and effects
Connect the DMX input of the device to the DMX output of a DMX controller or another DMX device. Connect the
output of the first DMX device to the input of the second one and so on to form a series connection.
219 - 222
223 - 226
227 - 230
231 - 234
235 - 238
239 - 242
243 - 246
247 - 250
251 - 254
0 - 10
11- 149
150 - 159
160 - 164
165 - 169
170 - 174
175 - 179
180 - 184
185 - 189
190 - 194
195 - 199
200 - 204
205 - 209
210 - 214
215 - 219
220 - 224
225 - 229
230 - 234
235 - 239
240 - 255
128-131= G+B+W
132-135= G+B+A
136-139= G+B+UV
140-143= G+W+A
144-147= G+W+UV
148-151= G+A+UV
152-155= B+W+A
156-159= B+W+UV
160-163= B+A+UV
164-167= W+A+UV
168-171= R+G+B+W
172-175= R+G+B+A
176-179= R+G+B+UV
180-183= R+G+W+A
184-187= R+G+W+UV
188-191= R+G+A+UV
is a standard for digital communication networks that are commonly used to
Sound active program 8
Sound active program 9
Sound active program 10
Sound active program 11
Sound active program 12
Sound active program 13
Sound active program 14
Sound active program 15
Sound active program 16
No Function
No Function
Program speed from slow to fast
No Function
Silent Mode ON / Mikrofonempfindlichkeit 1
Silent mode ON / Microphone sensitivity 2
Silent mode ON / Microphone sensitivity 3
Silent mode ON / Microphone sensitivity 4
Silent mode ON / Microphone sensitivity 5
Silent mode ON / Microphone sensitivity 6
Silent mode ON / Microphone sensitivity 7
Silent mode ON / Microphone sensitivity 8
Silent mode OFF / Microphone sensitivity 1
Silent mode OFF / Microphone sensitivity 2
Silent mode OFF / Microphone sensitivity 3
Silent mode OFF / Microphone sensitivity 4
Silent mode OFF / Microphone sensitivity 5
Silent mode OFF / Microphone sensitivity 6
Silent mode OFF / Microphone sensitivity 7
Silent mode OFF / Microphone sensitivity 8
No Function
192-195= R+B+W+A
196-199= R+B+W+UV
200-203= R+B+A+UV
204-207= R+W+A+UV
208-211= G+B+W+A
212-215= G+B+W+UV
216-219= G+B+A+UV
220-223= G+W+A+UV
224-227= B+W+A+UV
228-231= R+G+B+W+A
232-235= R+G+B+W+UV
236-239= R+G+B+A+UV
240-243= R+G+W+A+UV
244-247= R+B+W+A=UV
248-251= G+B+W+A+UV
252-255= R+G+B+W+A+UV
UV--- UV


