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BHM pan Gebrauchsanweisung Seite 29

Digitales hörsystem für brillen
Vorschau ausblenden Andere Handbücher für pan:


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Various individual settings, such as the sound-
ing of warning tones or their volume is the
responsibility of your hearing care professional.
Please fit these settings together.
Patent pending GM 136/2013
Intended Use: The hearing system pan has
been designed to compensate hearing loss
by processing sound and transmitting it to the
ear drum.
User group(s): The hearing system is suitable
for people of any age with hearing loss.
Indications: For compensation of hearing loss
as well as for masking of tinnitus with pan Ti.
Contraindications: Do not use in case of
irritated and injured skin or pressure marks.
Warning! Potential side effects: Possible pres-
sure points or irritation of the skin.
Warning note for the hearing care professional:
This hearing system can generate an output
sound pressure level of 132 dBSPL. Particular
care must be taken when adjusting the device
as there is a risk of damage to the user's
residual hearing.
For additional, current information, please visit



