Troubleshooting Possible Problems in Operation
Fluid leaking or dripping
from front of gun
Fluid dripping or leaking
from bottom of cup
Runs and sags
Thin, sandy coarse finish
drying before it flows out
Thick, dimpled finish
"orange peel"
TEKNA 900cc
Aluminum Cup
Air Adjusting Valve
Easy to use and clean
Use to precisely set
air pressure to gun.
HV30 Air Cap Test Kit
The purpose of this test
kit is to measure air cap
atomizing air pressure at
the center air port of the air
cap. Used to confirm code
compliance and as a daily
quality control measure.
Automotive Refinish Quick Connects
For HVLP Guns (Air)
High Flow Type.
HC-4419 Stem
HC-4719 Coupler
1/4" NPT(F)
1/4" NPT(M) /NPS(M)
HC-1166 Stem
HC-4720 Coupler
1/4" NPT(M)
Fluid nozzle or fluid needle worn
or damaged.
Foreign matter in fluid nozzle.
Fluid needle spring broken.
Wrong size fluid needle or
fluid nozzle.
Cup loose on gun.
Cup threads dirty.
Too much material flow.
Material too thin.
Gun tilted on an angle, or gun motion
too slow.
Gun too far from surface.
Too much air pressure.
Improper thinner being used.
Gun too close to surface.
Air pressure too low.
Improper thinner being used.
Material not properly mixed.
Surface rough, oily, dirty.
HAV-500 OR
Adjusting Valve
with Gauge
HAV-500 does not
have pressure gauge.
Use to control air
usage at gun.
Twin Cartridge,
Paint Spray
(TC84A-1623) for respira-
tory protection in atmos-
pheres not immediately
dangerous to life.
HAF-507 Whirlwind™
In-Line Air Filter
Removes water, oil,
and debris from the
air line.
1/4" NPT(F)
Replace fluid nozzle and fluid needle.
Replace fluid nozzle and fluid needle.
Turn fluid adjusting knob clockwise
or switch to smaller fluid nozzle and
fluid needle size.
Mix properly or apply light coats.
Hold gun at right angle to work and
adapt to proper gun technique.
Check distance. Normally approx.
150–200 mm (6–8").
Reduce air pressure and check
spray pattern.
Follow paint manufacturer's mixing
Check distance. Normally approx.
150–200 mm (6–8"). Too much
material coarsely atomised.
Increase air pressure or reduce
fluid flow.
Follow paint manufacturer's mixing
Follow paint manufacturer's mixing
Properly clean and prepare.
192212 Professional
Spring Clips
Spray Gun
Cleaning Kit
Joins any single
p i e c e D e V i l b i s s
air cap with latest
version MBC-368,
Contains six preci-
M S A - 1 o r G T I -
sion tools designed
retaining rings.
to effectively clean
Helps prevent parts
all DeVilbiss, Binks,
loss and provides
Finishline and other
brand spray guns.
easier assembly.
GH-505 Gun
Gun holders are
Gun holder made
made to hold stan-
to hold guns with
dard paint cups, grav-
gravity cups.
ity feed guns and
cups, and paint filters.
14 mm
For maintenance use.
192218 Scrubs
Hand Cleaner Towels
S c r u b s
a r e a p r e -
moistened hand cleaner
towel for painters, body
men and mechanics that
go where you go and no
water is needed.
Spray Gun Lube
SSL-10 (2 oz. bottle)
Gun Holder
Compatible with
all paint materi-
als; contains no
silicone or petro-
leum distillates to
contaminate paint.
MSDS Sheet avail-
able upon request.
702740 TEKNA Wrench
10 mm