Installation and Start-up
1.7.4 Encoder breakage recognition
The recognition of encoder breakage is a software function and dependent on the encoder
type. It is possible to insert the encoder during operation. By writing on Ec.0 the initialization
starts. After fault-free initialization the correct position will be send.
The incremental track is monitored approx. all 16 ms. An error is triggered, if the permissible
signal levels are fallen below. Also the absolute track, i.e. the serial communication to the
encoder is monitored. If the encoder gives not an answer, or a communication is not possible,
the respective state message will be transmitted to the inverter. Dependent on the encoder
type the response time can be 100 ms and more.
1.7.5 Adjustment of increments per revolution (Ec.1)
The inc/r of the inverter has to correspond with the inc/r of the encoder. In case of different
adjustment, error message Ec.37=70 is generated immediately.
Installation and Start-up
Mechanical installation
All kind of works on the inverter may be carried out by authorized personnel in accordance
with the EMC and safety rules only.
• Switch inverter de-energized and await capacitor discharge time
• Pull off operator
• Remove plastic cover
• Remove fixing bolt
• Fix interface board beginning from the socket connector straightly
• Screw in fixing bolt
• Attach plastic cover
Tested encoder
The following Hiperface®-encoder have been tested by KEB on it application:
• Stegmann SRS 50/60 Singleturn; SCS 60/70 Singleturn
• Stegmann SRM 50/60 Multiturn; SCM 60/70 Multiturn
However, this does not restrict the use of rotary encoder with same specifications of other