Node address
GSD file
PBS transmission
PBS diagnosis
PBS parameterizing
PBS configuration
Configuration of the
Process data mapping The process data are directly copied into the process image of
The raw data of the KEB-PROFIBUS-DP interface
The C5 PBS interface realizes max. three modules. All modules change the raw data in the
cyclic telegrams between PROFIBUS master and slave:
• Parameterizing channel: This module occupied always 8 byte raw data and serves for wri-
ting/reading of a parameter value with length of 32 bit. The parameter is addressed
via 16 bit index and 8 bit subindex.
• Process output data: Data, which are transmitted non-addressed from master to slave.
• Process input data: Data, which are transmitted non-addressed from slave to master.
The KEB C5 PROFIBUS-interface adjusts itself flexible to the configuration preset by the
master. By this way it is possible
• to work exclusively with the parameter channel (8 byte raw data). For this the master spe-
cifies only one configuration byte with the value B7h.
• work only with process data. The master specifies two configuration bytes with values
according to the process data length (see above).
If the parameter channel in the slave shall be activated, value B7h must be entered as first
configuration byte. The further sequence of the configuration bytes for the process data is
not predefined.
adjustable via parameter SY.06
9,6 / 19,2 / 45,45 / 93,75 / 187,5 / 500 Kbit/s and 1,5 / 3 / 6 /
12 Mbit/s are automatically detected
6 byte occupied according to standard
7 byte occupied according to standard
Max. three modules can be activated (also see GSD file):
Parameterizing channel (8 byte for 8 bit raw data)
Process output data (1...16 words for 16 bit raw data)
Process input data (1...16 words for 16 bit raw data)
Parameterizing channel B7h (coding the config-bytes)
process output data with n=number of words
E0h + (n-1) (coding the config-bytes)
process input data with n=number of words
D0h + (n-1) (coding the config-bytes)
the control:
Input data of the slave begins with QW72
Output data of the master begins with IW72
GB - 19