7. What is DCF?
The DCF signal is a coded radio signal that contains the time information of the
caesium atomic clock of the Physikalisch-Technischen Anstalt (Federal Physical
Technical Agency) in Braunschweig
This atomic clock is so accurate that in theory, a deviation from the actual time of
+/- 1 second is possible only in a million years. This signal is sent by a transmitter in
Mainfl ingen (near Frankfurt on the Main).
It has a range of up to 1500 km and if transmission conditions are ideal, as high as up
to 2000 km. Watches equipped with a DCF receiver (radio clocks) can receive and decode the DCF signal within this
transmitting range. Similar to radio reception, the receiving of a DCF signal is highly dependent on location, position
and interference signals, e.g. from computers, television sets or microwave ovens. Another reasons for poor reception
can be reinforced concrete walls that weaken the DCF signal.