12. Change of Crystal
In order to avoid a double channel assignment it may be necessary to change the crystals on your remote control
For this purpose, proceed as follows:
• For reasons of operational safety, you should only use crystals that are explicitly recommended for the use of your
remote control system by the supplier.
• Ensure that the transmitter is switched off and pull the holder of the transmitter crystal from the rear side of the
transmitter casing (see figure 17, Pos. 2).
• Take the transmitter crystal out of its plastic holder. Insert the replacement crystal with a different channel in the
same frequency band. Please make sure that you place the right crystal in the holder.
Transmitter crystals are normally marked with the letter T or TX (T = "transmitter"). Put the crystal holder back into
the transmitter.
• Remove the crystal of the receiver (see fig. 18, Pos. 3) from the receiver/regulator module; the flight battery must be
• The suitable crystal for the receiver has to be marked with the same channel number as the transmitter crystal. In
addition it is marked with the letter code R or RX (R = receiver).
• Insert the replacement crystal with the suitable frequency for the transmitter into the receiver.
• Switch the transmitter on and then the receiver and check the functioning of the system.