Contents of the DCC CD-ROM
• DCC Camera Driver for Windows 98/SE/ME/XP
and MacOS 9.x
• Web-Cam driver for Windows 98/SE/ME/XP
• ArcSoft PhotoImpression 3.0 Software for
image editing
• User manual as PDF
• Acrobat Reader
Windows 2000, Me and XP, and MAC OS employ MASS
STORAGE method to upload images from camera to
computer. Therefore, no Camera Driver is necessary for
image transfer.
MAC OS only support still image transfers. There is no
WEB-CAM feature on MAC OS.
Installing ArcSoft PhotoImpression 3.0
Please proceed according to the instructions specified
below to install the ArcSoft PhotoImpression 3.0 soft-
1. Insert the enclosed DCC CD-ROM in the CD-ROM
drive of your computer.
2. Select the language you wish to use in the
DCC CD-ROM installer.
3. Click on „Arcsoft PhotoImpression 3.0"
4 Select the language you wish to use in
5. Click on „Continue" on the start page to
continue the Setup.
6. Click on „Yes" on the page with the terms and
conditions, after reading them, to accept these
conditions and to continue with the Setup.
7. Select the storage location on your PC where you
wish to install the software and click on „Next".
8. Select the components you wish to install and
click on „Next".
9. Click on „Next" to select the correct program fol-
der on your PC.
10. The Setup bar appears. Please wait until this bar
disappears to continue.
11. Click on „Finish" to conclude the setup.
Connecting the DCC to your PC
For connection to the PC the DCC must always be in
camera mode (LCD display: 00), except in WebCam
mode or during video conferences. To download images
onto the PC connect the DCC to your computer using
the provided USB cable. Please make sure when you are
connecting the camera to the computer the first time
that the DCC CD-ROM is positioned in the CD-ROM
drive. Please follow the instructions given below for
connecting your camera to your PC.
Install the software before you provide the USB
connection (for the first time) !
For Windows 98/SE
1. Insert the enclosed DCC CD-ROM in the CD-ROM
drive of your computer.
2. Insert the smaller USB connector in the USB port of
your DCC (on the left hand side of the camera)
3. Insert the larger USB connector in the USB port
on your computer.
4. The DCC is BUS-powered. This means the USB
port provides the DCC with power as soon as
it is connected to the computer and switches
it on automatically.
5. The computer/operating system recognizes the DCC
as a new unknown device. You are then requested
to install the appropriate driver.
6. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete
the installation of the driver for still pictures.
When employing Windows 98/SE, make sure that the
DCC CD-ROM is in the CD-ROM drive before you
connect your DCC to the computer for the first time !
For Windows 2000/ME/XP or MacOS 9.x
This operating system does not require any driver instal-
lation for the DCC. You do not have to install any driver.