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General Safety Information - Caso MCG 25 Bedienungsanleitung

Mikrowelle, grill und heißluftofen


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14.2 General Safety information

caso MCG 25
Please observe the following general safety notices with
regard to the safe handling of the device.
► Examine the device for any visible external damages prior to
using it. Never put a damaged device into operation.
► If the connection lead is damaged, you will need to have a
new connection lead installed by an authorized electrician.
► Persons, who are not able to operate the device because of
any physical, mental or motor disabilities may only use the
device under the supervision or under the instructions of a
responsible person.
► Do not permit children to use the device, unless they are
► Do not leave the device unsupervised when it is in operation.
► Do not operate the oven if it is empty. This could damage
the device.
► The device is not intended for drying, warming up or heating
up living animals.
► Food thermometers are unsuitable to be used when the
microwave is in operation.
► Do not use the cooking chamber for storage purposes. Do
not leave any paper products, cooking utensils or foodstuffs
in the cooking chamber when the oven is not being used.
► Only qualified electricians, who have been trained by the
manufacturer, may carry out any repairs that may be
needed. Improperly performed repairs can cause
considerable dangers for the user.
► Only customer service departments authorized by the
manufacturer may carry out repairs on the device during the
guarantee period, as otherwise the guarantee entitlements
will be null and void in the event of any subsequent
► Defective components must always be replaced with original
replacement parts. Only such parts will guarantee that the
safety requirements are fulfilled.
Please note

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