out ANL
out bin
Unit of analogue position indication
Configuration of the output signal
allowed control
lower threshold
(output 1)
normally closed
normally open
Choice: Alarm output for high control deviation (output 1)
* the selected control deviation
The output functions as normally closed output.
The output functions as normally open output.
Choice: 2 binary position output signals
lower threshold (output 1)
higher threshold (output 2)
The output functions as normally closed output.
The output functions as normally open output.
analog output of the actual position of the valve actuator
analog output of the set position of the valve actuator
with process controller active: analog output of the set
value of the process (option)
with process controller active: analog output of the actual
value of the process (option)
Current 4..20 mA
Current 0..20 mA
Voltage 0..10 V
Voltage 0..5 V
normally closed
normally open
normally closed
normally open
higher threshold
(output 2)
must not be lower than the deadband.
Operating instructions no. 800607