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Operational Description; Operational Test - Kessel Aqualift F Anleitung Für Einbau, Bedienung Und Wartung



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6.3 Operational Description

6.3.1 Operational mode 'Auto'
Single Pump System
The Pumpstation Aqualift F is in standard operating mode when
the POWER LED on the control unit is lit and no failures or war-
nings are displayed (see Chapter 9 – Control Unit). As the wa-
stewater level inside the Aqualift F storage chamber rises the
level will reach the 'Pump On' level and the pump will activate
after the brief pump start delay period is over (see Chapter 5.7
configuration and controls). The pump will pump out the wa-
stewater causing the wastewater level to sink and eventually fall
below the 'Pump Off' level. When this level is reached the pump
will stop after the pump post run time has expired.
In the case that the pump runs for longer than the set maximum
pump run time, the pump will turn off and at this time the "Lauf-
zeit" LED will turn on to let the operator know that the motor has
run to its maximum run time – in this case a malfunction alarm
will occur. The pump will then turn off for 6 seconds. In the case
that the wastewater at this point is still above the 'Pump On'
level the pump will activate again.
Twin Pump System
The Pumpstation Aqualift F is in standard operating mode when
the POWER LED on the control unit is lit and no failures or war-
nings are displayed (see Chapter 9 – Control Unit).
Alternating operation (duty / stand by) - As the wastewater level
inside the Aqualift F storage chamber rises the level will go
above the 'Pump Off' level and then will reach the 'Pump 1 On'
level and one of the pumps will activate after the brief pump
start delay period is over (see Chapter 5.7 configuration and
controls). The pump will pump out the wastewater causing the
wastewater level to sink and eventually fall below the 'Pump off'
level and then below the 'Pump Off' level. When this level is re-
ached the pump will stop after the pump post run time has ex-
pired. (see Chapter 5.7 configuration and controls). The next
time the 'Pump 1 On' level is reached the other pump will ac-
Parallel operation - As the wastewater level inside the Aqualift
F storage chamber rises the level will go above the 'Pump Off'
level and then will reach the 'Pump 1 On' level and one of the
pumps will activate after the brief pump start delay period is
over (see Chapter 5.7 configuration and controls).
If the wastewater level continues to rise inside the chamber then
the 'Pump 2 On' level will be reached and the second pump will
also activate (after the pump start delay period has elapsed).
Both pumps will continue running simultaneously until the
'Pump Off' level has been reached.
In the case that the pump runs for longer than the set maximum
pump run time, the pump will turn off and at this time the "Lauf-
6. Commissioning
zeit" LED will turn on to let the operator know that the motor has
run to its maximum run time – in this case a malfunction alarm
will occur. The pump will then turn off for 6 seconds. In the case
that the wastewater at this point is still above the 'Pump On'
level the pump will activate again.
In the case that one of the pump malfunctions or does not ope-
rate because it has exceeded the maximum running time, then
the second pump will take over operation and operate accor-
ding to the Single Pump System description above.
6.3.2 Operation modes (for models December 2009
- Operational mode '0'
If a pump is set to the '0' position on the control unit the pump
will remain off. The displays on the control unit remain active.
Turning the pump control lever on the control unit to the
• „Hand/Manual" operation mode
'Hand / Manual' setting will activate the pumps - this can be
used to perform a manual check to assure the pumps are
running properly. Be sure to turn the switch back to 'O' or
'Auto' setting. Leaving the switch in the 'Hand / Manual' set-
ting will overheat the pumps and could result in damage to
the system.
6.3.3 Manual ‚Hand' operation mode (for models Ja-
By pressing the manual Pump button on the control unit the
pump will go into stand-by mode. Pressing the same button
again within 1 minute will activate the pump for as long as
the button is depressed or for a minimum of 2 seconds. If
the button is no longer pressed the pump goes back to au-
tomatic mode.

6.4 Operational test

The lifting station should under go a complete functional test
before the system is placed into operation to assure that all
functions of the system (float switches, pumps and control
unit) are working properly.
The can be handled by draining or pumping large amounts
of water into the lifting station and monitoring the function
of the float switches, pumps and control unit.
and older)
nuary 2010 and newer)

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