NOTICE – only certified licensed professionals
should conduct the following electrical connections.
5.1 General instructions
Before any cables are connected to the control unit, first the
cable inlet plugs at the base of the control unit need to be re-
moved and replaced with the special cable seal plugs / scr-
The control unit for the Pumpstation Aqualift F must be
connected to a separate main switch so that if required the
entire system can be switched off. This main switch should
be clearly visible and located in the immediate vicinity of the
control unit. All cables entering the control unit must be se-
cured to the control unit using the supplied plastic strain re-
lief nuts. Cable inlet openings into the control unit which are
not used must be properly closed.
All electrical cables must be properly secured (with tie
wraps for example) so that in the case that the cable re-
leases from the control unit that the bare ends of the ca-
bles do not come in contact with any other cables (for ex-
ample in the case that cable L1 comes out of the input
jacks it will physically be impossible for this cable to
contact the PELV or the EX switching portion of the con-
trol unit).
All local and national safety regulation should be followed. If
these codes are not strictly followed, a danger to people and
maintenance workers could exist. After any work on the con-
trol unit has been completed, the see-thru cover must be pro-
perly secured in order that the control unit remains splash
Float switch cables should be run separately from the pump
power cables and main power cables in order to prevent el-
ectrical interference which could negatively affect operation
of the system
5.2 Mounting of control unit
The control unit for this pumping station is to be installed in
a frost-free, dry and well-ventilated area. The control unit
may not be installed in an explosion endangered area. To
prevent overheating of the inside of the control unit, sufficient
air circulation in the immediate vicinity of the control unit
should be provided. The control unit is to be installed verti-
cally on a solid wall with the supplied 4 screws – a template
is provided to aid in drilling holes in the wall. To access the
control unit mounting screws first remove the see-thru cover.
The cables for the pump(s) and the float switches should be
run through an conduit pipe to the control unit. To connect
these cables please follow the instructions in Section 5.4 "In-
stallation – Cable connections".
5. Electrical connections
5.3 Information concerning explosion protection
Only the float switches can be installed in the explosion risk
areas. When connected cables inside the control unit make
sure that the cables are connected to their appropriate jacks.
Float switch cables must be connected to the float switch
jacks and power and pump cables must be connected to their
appropriate jacks. Improper connection of cables could da-
mage the system as well as nullify the explosion proof rating
of the system. No external power may be supplied to the float
switch Off, On, On1/On2 or alarm connection jacks. As re-
quired by the connection plan, the float switch cables should
only be connected to the connection jacks on the HAZARD
section inside the control unit which is connected to the el-
ectrically shielded / protected control unit area.
5.4 Installation – Cable connection
The cables for the pump(s) and the float switches are 10 me-
ters in length. The cables between pumping station and buil-
ding must be run in a dedicated conduit pipe (as discussed
in Chapter 4.2 – Pipe Connections). In the case that the 10
meter cable lengths are not sufficient, the cables may be ex-
tending following VDE codes up to a maximum length of 30
meters using appropriate waterproof extension connections.
Contact KESSEL customer service if lengths over 30 meters
are required.
All electrical cables must be installed so that they do not
come in contact with the intake impellers of the pump(s)
and are clear of the access steps as well as not hindering
access to the chamber. The cable lengths must also as-
sure that the removal of one or both of the submersible
pumps for inspection and / or maintenance purposes is
All electrical connections should be handled by a licen-
5.5 Electrical connections
sed professional only and should follow all local and in-
ternational codes and regulations. The power supplied to the
control unit must match that listed on the control unit.
Control unit
7G 1.52
PE Protection)
green/yellow green/yellow green/yellow green/yellow
U phase)
V phase)
W phase)
20 TF)
21 TF)
22 E)
8G 1.52
8G 1.52
8G 1.52