Dear customer,
We are pleased that you have decided to buy one of our products. This will certainly completely match your
requirements. We wish you smooth and successful installation.
In trying to keep our quality standard as high as possible, we rely on your help of course. Please let us know of
any possible improvements we could make to our product.
Have you got any questions? We look forward to you getting in touch.
Product description, general
The KESSEL Pumpfix F Comfort backwater valve with integrated pump (referred to as the backwater pumping
station from here onwards) has been designed for pumping off wastewater with and without sewage. The
assemblies for the pumps, the optical sensor and motor-driven backwater flap are installed in the wastewater
The hinged flap serves as a manually operated emergency closure. It can also be equipped with a motor. This is
then driven by a separate control unit which communicates with the control unit of the backwater pumping station.
In normal operation, the wastewater passes through the backwater pumping station to the sewage channel
without any backwater occurrence.
If the wastewater from the sewage system swells back as far as the backwater pumping station, this will be
detected by an optical probe. The motor-driven backwater flap is closed. The wastewater from the building is then
collected in the tank of the Pumpfix F.
The sensor switching signals for the level in the wastewater tank are processed electronically in the control unit.
An optical probe is used as a level sensor. Once the corresponding level has been reached, disposal is activated
by the pump against the backwater. The wastewater is pumped off via the tank of the Pumpfix F Comfort.
In the event of power outage, the functional safety of the motor-driven backwater flap can be guaranteed for
about 2 hours during which it is battery-operated. After this period, the backwater flap is closed to protect the
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