Mipu JOLIE Cluster 1.book Seite 18 Dienstag, 16. Februar 2016 4:12 16
6. Screw the NUK Breast Milk Container 10
onto the breast shield 2 (Fig. M).
Warning! As hygiene is so important,
please wash your hands before expressing
your milk, and read the information in
"10. Hygiene tips" on page 19.
1. Place the funnel of the breast shield over
your breast.
– Make sure that your nipple is in the
centre of the silicone cushion 1. This
prevents the nipple becoming sore.
– Gently press the breast shield 2
against the breast so that the silicone
cushion 1 fits closely and no air is
sucked in from the side.
– As far as possible, hold the pump
2. Press the pump handle 4 then release
again slowly.
Note: The further you press the pump
lever 4, the greater the suction. To
9. Tips for successful expressing
Correct expressing takes practice. You will
first need to get used to your new pump.
9.1 Frequency of expressing
How often you need to express depends on
the reason for expressing. If you will be
apart from your child and/or want to sustain
milk production, the natural breastfeeding
rhythm should be maintained. You should
therefore express 6 to 8 times daily,
including once during the night. In all other
according to your personal wishes and
7. Position the silicone cushion 1 in the
8. Using the breast pump
Please pay attention to the information
in "9. Tips for successful expressing".
3. After expressing, place the breast pump
4. Unscrew the breast shield 2 from the
5. Firmly
6. Using a freezer pen, write the date and
7. Stick the label on the NUK Breast Milk
9.2 Method
Milk should be expressed from each breast
in turn.
The amount of time needed to express milk
will vary considerably from one person to
9.3 Quantity of milk
Don't be surprised if, at first, it takes a little
while for the milk to start flowing properly.
This is not unusual. In fact it is quite normal
daily requirements.
front of the breast shield 2 and pull the
edge of the cushion over the breast
shield (Fig. N).
reduce the suction, do not press the
pump lever 4 as far.
in the stand 13. The pump must not be
allowed to topple over as milk might
NUK Breast Milk Container 10.
Container 10 using the supplied screw
ring 12 and sealing disc 11.
time the milk was expressed on a label.
Container 10.
milk production adapts itself to