2.1 Area of application
The pumping stations pump wastewater without sewage that
occurs below the sewer and backwater level fully automatical-
ly into the sewage system in accordance with the requirements
of EN 12056. They are basically suitable for use for domestic
wastewater, for example in single family and multi-family
homes, business, hotels and restaurants, department stores,
hospitals, schools or rainwater (drainage).
If the feed to the pumping stations must not be interrupted du-
ring normal operation, the lifting station must be equipped with
a second pumping device of the same capacity which switches
on immediately when required (twin station instead of single
The KESSEL pumping station Aqualift®S has been designed
for installation in the ground outside buildings. The systems are
suitable for constant wastewater temperatures up to 35°C. In-
stallation inside buildings can only be recommended if the re-
quirements on groundwater-resistant ground plates have been
taken into consideration. In addition, care must be taken that
the ceiling is high enough for the pump to be able to be remo-
2.2 System description
The KESSEL pumping station Aqualift®S as a single or twin
system basically comprises the following components:
1. One or two washwater pumps
2. KESSEL chamber system LW 600 or 1000
3. Backwater flap
4. Pressure pipe connection muff DA 40 mm for
PVC adhesive connection
5. Connection for venting pipe DN 100
6. Connection for cable conduit DN 100
7. Inlet pipe DN 100 for pump type KTP 500
DN 150 for pump type KTP 1000
8. Control variants
- Floating switch (without alarm indication)
- Plunger + alarm probe (Tronic/Duo version)
Depending on the version, the KESSEL pumping station
S is delivered
- as a single system or twin system
- with pumps of different capacities
- in the KESSEL chamber system with a clear width
of 600 mm or 1000 mm
The pumps, chamber components and electrical control unit
are delivered as individual parts. The pumps are inside the
attachment piece when delivered. They may only be inser-
ted into the chamber following complete assembly.
2. General
Please note:
Ensure there is sufficient aeration and ventilation.
In contrast to chamber LW 600, the chamber system LW
1000 can be entered for maintenance purposes.
LW 600
LW 1000