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Q3: A Call Cannot Be Made - Yamaha PJP-100H Bedienungsanleitung



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen


Q3: A call cannot be made

A call cannot be originated.
A call cannot be received.
An inappropriate IP address is entered.
The IP address of the other unit has been
The communication is blocked by a firewall.
A network fault occurred.
The connection mode settings of this unit and
the other unit are different.
The IP/SIP settings of this unit and the other
unit are different.
The SIP address in the address book is
The SIP server is not running.
The SIP address of the other unit is not
registered in the SIP server.
An incorrect IP address is entered on the
other unit.
The communication is blocked by a firewall.
A network fault occurred.
Check the IP address of the other unit and
enter the correct IP address.
Check the IP address of the other unit and
enter the correct IP address.
Call by designating the IP address cannot
cross a firewall. If you want to change the
calling method to the SIP call, consult your
system administrator.
Wait until the fault is released.
Consult your system administrator.
A unit in the mesh connection mode cannot
communicate with a unit in a cascade
connection mode. Set the two units to the
same connection mode (page 27).
A unit using the SIP address cannot
communicate with a unit using the IP
address. Enable or disable the SIP server
operation as required so that both units use
the same type of address (page 27).
Register the correct SIP address (page 37).
Consult your system administrator.
Consult your system administrator.
Enter the correct IP address on the other unit.
Call by designating the IP address cannot
cross a firewall. If you want to change the
calling method to the SIP call, consult your
system administrator.
Wait until the fault is released.
Consult your system administrator.


