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Verfügbare Sprachen
  • DE

Verfügbare Sprachen

  • DEUTSCH, seite 8
quantity of 1.0 kg, noodle dough with
max. 500 g flour and approx. five eggs.
Do not exceed the specified maximum
quantity, because it would overload
the machine.
With heavy yeast doughs (such as
bread dough), mix the dry ingredients,


For the T-mixing hook
Marble Cake
250 g margarine, 250 g sugar, 2 en-
velopes vanilla sugar, 4 eggs, 250 ml
milk, 400 g flour, 1 envelope baking
powder, 50 g corn starch, 40 g cocoa
powder, 40 g sugar, 2-3 tbsp milk,
powdered sugar or frosting.
Beat the margarine with the sugar and
vanilla sugar until foamy. In the pro-
cess, please note: first mix at Level 1
for approx. one minute, then at Level
3 for approx. two to three minutes,
then Level 4 until the dough is loose-
ly mixed. Add the eggs one at a time.
Combine the flour with the baking
powder and cornstarch and alternately
add the flour mixture and milk to the
Put about 2/3 of the batter in a grea-
sed ring or loaf pan.
Combine the cocoa powder with the
sugar and a little milk in a separate
container and then add this mixture
to the remaining batter in the mixing
bowl. Mix the batter again and then
spoon the dark batter on top of the
light batter in the baking pan.
Use a fork to make a spiral pattern
through the two batters, then bake at
175°C for about 45 minutes. Remove
the pan from the oven and turn the
cake onto a cooling rack. As soon as
switch on the appliance and slowly
add the liquid to the ingredients.
If you have accidentally filled the ap-
pliance with too much dough, divided
the dough, remove half and knead the
two dough portions separately.
the cake has cooled, dust with pow-
dered sugar or coat with frosting, as
For the kneading hook
Pizza Dough
200 g flour, 10 g fresh yeast, 1/2 tsp
sugar, 1/2 cup lukewarm milk, 3 tbsp
oil, 1/2 tsp salt
Stir the yeast with the sugar, milk and
1-2 tbsp flour in a cup and let stand
about 15 minutes in a warm place.
Put the rest of the flour in the mixing
bowl and add the yeast mixture, oil
and salt. Knead all ingredients tho-
roughly. In the process, please note:
Run at Level 1 for approx. one minute,
then slowly increase to Level 4 until
the dough releases from the bowl and
has a silky shine.
Let the dough rest again for about 30
Then roll out into two round crusts,
place on a baking sheet and top as
For the wire whisk
Meringue Kisses
4 egg whites, 200 g powdered sugar
Beat egg whites at level 4 to 5. whites
until stiff, then trickle in sugar gradu-
Use a spoon or piping bag to make
small mounds on a baking sheet lined



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