6 By-Pass Setting – Filter Capacity
6.1 Identifying the Carbonate Hardness
The BRITA carbonate hardness test (Art. 710800) is recommended to identify the carbonate hard-
ness of the local water. Alternatively, you can ask the local water supplier for the carbonate hard-
ness. In the case of uncertainties, your supplier or your contact at BRITA will advise you.
6.2 Identifying the By-Pass
The by-pass setting is identifi ed according to the application and the carbonate hardness identifi ed
on the basis of the by-pass and capacity table (Chapter 6.4). Then the by-pass is set on the fi lter
cartridge as follows:
Place or leave the adjustable by-pass cap
Turn adjustable by-pass cap
Note: In the case of fi lter cartridges without an adjustable by-pass cap, the by-pass can also be
read directly at the by-pass setting
6.3 Identifying the Filter Capacity
The fi lter capacity is identifi ed from the by-pass and capacity table (Chapter 6.4). The fi lter capac-
ity depending on the fl ow (volumetric fl ow) is identifi ed according to the application, the carbonate
hardness of the local water and the by-pass set.
Installation of the BRITA FlowMeter (Art. 298900) is recommended for the precise, continuous con-
trol of the degree of fi lter cartridge exhaustion.
on by-pass setting
until the desired number (0 – 3) matches the marking on the