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Handling The Batteries Properly - DS Produkte Z 02678 Gebrauchsanleitung



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

and instructed to the correct use of the equipment. The equipment is under no circum-
stances suitable as a children's toy.
❐ This device is not suitable for use by persons with restricted sensory or intellectual abili-
ties or with a lack of experience and/or knowledge unless they are supervised by a person
responsible for their safety or have received instructions from that person as to how to
use the device. Children must be under supervision to ensure that they do not play with
the device.
❐ Do not use the device if it is damaged.
❐ Be sure to perform adequate warm up exercises before using the device (see chapter
"Before your workout").
❐ Start the exercises slowly and then gradually increase the intensity. We expressly point
out that using the device improperly or exercising too intensively could be hazardous to
your health. For this reason, do not overdo it and do not overestimate yourself.
❐ The device may only be used by one person at a time.
❐ If you belong to a health risk group, have not exercised for a longer period of time, have
a cardiovascular or orthopaedic condition, you should consult your physician before us-
ing the device. If applicable, consult your workout plan with him/her.
❐ Pregnant persons are not allowed to use the device or only after having consulted their
❐ Immediately stop your workout if you feel weak or dizzy. In the event of nausea, pain
in the chest or limbs, heart palpation or other symptoms, please immediately contact a
❐ Make sure that the training area is well ventilated during your workout.
❐ Do not work out directly after a meal or after consuming alcohol.
❐ When working out, wear comfortable clothing and nonslip gym shoes. Do not use the
device without clothing.
❐ Ensure that your clothing is not too wide to prevent it from catching in the device's mov-
ing parts.
❐ If you have long hair, be sure to wear it up before working out so that there is no risk of
it catching in the device. Remove any jewellery.

Handling the batteries properly

❐ Before inserting the battery, make sure that the contacts in the device and on the battery
are clean and, if necessary, clean them.
❐ Only use the battery type specifi ed in the technical data (see chapter "Technical data").
❐ When changing a battery ensure correct polarity (+/-).
❐ Remove the battery from the device if it is used up or if you are not using the device for an
extended period of time. This will prevent damage which can be caused by leakage.
❐ Immediately remove any leaking battery from the device. Clean the contacts before insert-
ing a new battery.
❐ The battery may not be charged or reactivated with other means, may not be disassem-
bled, disposed of in fi re, immersed in a liquid or short-circuited.
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02678_DE-GB-FR-NL_KD_V6.indb 21
09.12.2013 12:47:32
09.12.2013 12:47:32



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