Connection may only be carried out by a qualified elec-
trician. The relevant currently valid directives, laws and
standards must be observed. Please heed the chapter
"Safety instructions" and the operating manual for the
switch unit used as well.
A double socket with earthed contacts is required for instal-
lation of the KESSEL rainwater pumping system Aqabull
Fuse 16 A slow-blow with residual current breaker 30 mA.
The chapter "Safety instructions" must be heeded
Before initial operation of the system, all the inlet and ou-
tlet pipes must be flushed. Particle size > 0.2 mm leads to
serious damage to the rotary pump.
Make sure that voltage and frequency of the mains sup-
ply correspond to the unit (see type plate).
Never put the pump into operation dry!
Unscrew the filling nozzle on the pump housing and fill
6.1 Rainwater mode:
the pump body with water.
Filler plug
Fill the suction pipe with water too. To do this, connect
the end of the inlet pipe on the cistern side to a water connec-
tion, e.g. a garden hose, and open at least one consumer so
that air can escape. When an inlet pipe with strainer is used,
this must be screwed off first.
Fill the whole system by opening the feed valve until water
is discharged without bubbles from the opened consumer on
the pressure side. Remove the hose, screw the strainer back
in place if appropriate.
5. Electrical connection
6. Initial operation
Splashwater can escape during servicing work on the sy-
stem. Depending on the routing of the service water pipes,
the double socket must be installed in a protected position at
the side and underneath the system.
Please see the enclosed original operating manual for in-
structions on the installation of the ultrasonic sensor (switch
unit Aqatronic
K) or the floating switch (switch unit Aqatro-
This way, the system is reliably ventilated and is ready for im-
mediate operation.
Insert the mains plug of the automatic pressure switch
and the respective KESSEL switch unit Aqatronic®. The
pump starts up immediately..
During initial operation, a consumer e.g. water tap must
be opened the whole time so that the complete system can
be ventilated. If the pump does not start up or stops again
after a short time, the red "RESET" button on the automatic
pressure switch must be pressed.
This process must be repeated until no air bubbles escape
at the consumer.
As soon as the system has been completely ventilated, close
all consumers. The pump achieves its maximum pressure,
the unit switches off automatically.
Depending on the height of the suction pipe, the suction
time can be up to 5 minutes. If the pump still has not starting
pumping after this, it must be filled up again.
If this still does not lead to the pump starting up, check the
Is the suction line absolutely leakproof?
Is the suction hose bent?
Has the maximum pumping height been exceeded?
Check whether the floating switch or ultrasonic sensor
has been installed and set in the rainwater storage tank ac-
cording to the instructions in the operating manual for the
KESSEL Aqatronic® switch unit. The switching point must be
chosen in such a way that the system changes to drinking
water feeding mode when the water level drops to less than
15 - 20 cm. This prevents the sediment layer being suctio-
ned in.