The KESSEL rainwater pumping system Aqabull
2.1 Area of application:
almost no servicing. It is used for supplying service water to
single family and multi-family homes. The automatic feeding
of rainwater from a cistern or the on-demand feeding of drin-
king water if the cistern is empty guarantees reliable service
water supply.
Rainwater filter System 400
Rainwater storage tank Aqabase
Suction coarse filter, floating
2. General
The service water can be used for watering gardens, flushing
toilets, washing clothes and cleaning. The KESSEL rainwa-
ter pumping system Aqabull® has been designed for free-
standing set-up (above and below the backwater level) in
frost-protected, flood-proof and dry rooms. You will find more
details about the system design in the chapter "Technical
Empty conduit seal DN 150
Rainwater pumping system Aqabull
with Switch unit Aqatronic S
Service water network