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First Use; Filling The Water Tank - Gastroback 42611 Design Espresso Advanced Plus Bedienungsanleitung



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note: Only use Gastroback filters 97765.

First use

initial start up
• Fill tank with water
• Press POWER on
• A pumping sound will be heard. The ma-
chine will reach operating temperature and
go into Standby mode.
Flushing the Machine
It is recommended to complete a water
flushing operation, without ground coffee, to
ensure the machine has been conditioned.
When the machine has reached STANDBY
mode, run the following 2 steps.
• Press the 2 CUP button to run hot water
through the group head for 30 seconds.
• Activate hot water for 10 seconds.
• Repeat this cycle until the water tank is empty.
note: Do not clean any of the parts or ac-
cessories in the dishwasher.
using Your Design
espresso ADvAnceD plus

Filling the Water tank

• Ensure the water filter is securely fitted in-
side the tank.
• Fill the water tank with cold tap water to
the maximum mark on the side of the
tank and slide the water tank back into
position at the back of the machine.
next change
• Plug the power cord into power outlet and
switch On at power point.
• Press the POWER button to On. The PO-
WER button surround will flash while the
machine is heating. When the correct tem-
perature has been reached, all the button
surrounds on the control panel will illuminate.
note: Check the water level before use
and replace the water daily. The water tank
should be filled with fresh, cold tap water
before each use. Do not use mineral or dis-
tilled water or any other liquid.
tamping the ground coffee
• Once the grind function has been com-
pleted, carefully withdraw the portafilter
from the grinding cradle, being careful not
to spill any ground coffee, tap down to col-
lapse and using the integrated tamper, tamp
down firmly (approx. 15-20 kg of pressure).

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