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Department Programming Report; Plu Programming Report; Cash Register Programming Report; Training Report - Olivetti ECR7700 Plus SD Anwenderhandbuch

Electronic cash register
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Department Programming Report

This report provides a printout showing how your
departments are programmed. It provides the status,
associated VAT and associated price for each department.
1. Control key position: PRG
2. Press

PLU Programming Report

This report provides a printout showing how the PLUs are
programmed. Their number, associated price, VAT rate (if
applicable), item descriptor and associated department
are reported on this receipt.
1. Control key position: PRG.
2. Press

Cash Register Programming Report

This report provides a printout showing how your cash
register is programmed. It lists the values that are
programmed for all system options, the VAT rates, foreign
currency exchange rates and percent minus value
programmed, the manager password and training mode
password assigned, and the three-digit security code
assigned to the clerk.
1. Control key position: PRG
2. Press

Training Report

This report provides an X or Z report of the transactions
performed in the training mode. Like the ordinary X and Z
financial reports, a Z report resets all transaction totals to
zero and provides the same information as an ordinary X
or Z financial report with the exception that the report
identifier is "X0" or "Z0".
1. Control key position: X1/X2 or Z1/Z2. Bear in mind that
in the Z position the training report contents are cleared.
2. Press

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