Parameter server
Switched off:
Data management functions disabled, saved data are retained.
Data management functions disabled, saved data is deleted.
The parameter data are downloaded to the IO-Link device.
As soon as the saved parameter data in the parameter server of the port differ from the
connected IO-Link device a download is performed.
Only exception: the parameter server is empty. Then another upload is carried out.
The parameter data are up- and downloaded to the IO-Link device.
As soon as the saved parameter data in the parameter server of the port differ from the
connected IO-Link device and there are no upload requests from the
IO-Link device, an upload is performed.
As soon as a device requests and upload (upload flag set) or when no data are stored in
the master port (e.g. after deleting the data or before the first upload), the master starts an
upload of the parameter data from the device.
After the upload of the parameter data, the vendor ID and device ID of the
connected IO-Link device are also still saved until the data records are deleted.
When the connected IO-Link device is started, a validation takes place. Thus, only
an IO-Link device of the same type can be used for the data management.