10. Fault Finding Chart
Before maintenance or repair disconnect the pump
from the power supply to avoid accidental starting of the
• Supply failure; short-
Motor does not start.
Fuses blow or motor
circuit; earth-leakage;
starter trips out imme-
fault in cable or motor
diately. Caution: Do
not start again!
• Fuses blow due to use
of wrong type of fuse
• Impeller blocked by
• Level switch out of
adjustment or defec-
• Low setting of thermal
Pump operates, but
motor starter trips out
relay in motor starter
after a short while
• Increased current
consumption due to
large voltage drop
• Impeller blocked by
impurities. Increased
current consumption
in all three phases
• Impeller blocked by
Pump operates at be-
• Wrong direction of
performance and power
rotation (only 3 Ph-
• Discharge valve
Pump operates, but
gives no liquid
closed or blocked
• Non-return valve
• Air in pump
• Float switch has
Pump starts and stops
running in short periods
changed his position
or is defect
WEEE Notice
The Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equip-
ment (WEEE), which entered into force as European law
on 13th February 2003, resulted in a major change in the
treatment of electrical equipment at end-of-life.
• Have the cable and
The purpose of this Directive is, as a first priority, the pre-
motor motor
vention of WEEE, and in addition, to promote the reuse,
checked and re-
recycling and other forms of recovery of such wastes so
paired by a qualified
as to reduce disposal.
• Install fuses of the
correct type
• Clean the impeller
The WEEE logo on the product or on its box indicates that
this product must not be disposed of or dumped with your
• Check the level
other household waste. You are liable to dispose of all
your electronic or electrical waste equipment by relocating
• Set the relay in ac-
over to the specified collection point for recycling of such
cordance with the
hazardous waste. Isolated collection and proper recovery
specifications on the
of your electronic and electrical waste equipment at the
pump label
• Measure the voltage
time of disposal will allow us to help conserving natural
between two motor
resources. Moreover, proper recycling of the electronic
phases. Tolerance:
and electrical waste equipment will ensure safety of hu-
± 10% (± 5% for ex-
man health and environment. For more information about
electronic and electrical waste equipment disposal, recov-
• Clean the impeller
ery, and collection points, please contact your local city
centre, household waste disposal service, shop from
where you purchased the equipment, or manufacturer of
• Clean the impeller
the equipment.
• Check the direction
of rotation and pos-
sibly interchange
two phases (see
section 6.5.)
• Check the dis-
charge valve and
possibly open
and/or clean
• Clean non-return
• Vent the pump
• Proof the position of
the float switch or
replace the float