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Fault Finding Chart; Warranty Conditions And Warranty; Warranty Receipt - Homa H500 series Montage- Und Bedienungsanleitung

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10. Fault Finding Chart

Before maintenance or repair disconnect the pump from
the power supply to avoid accidental starting of the pump
• Supply failure; short-
Motor does not start.
Fuses blow or motor
circuit; earth-leakage
starter trips out immedi-
fault in cable or motor
Caution: Do not start
• Fuses blow due to use
of wrong type of fuse.
• Impeller blocked by
• Level switch out of
adjustment or defec-
• Low setting of thermal
Pump operates, but
motor starter trips out
relay in motor starter.
after a short while.
• Increased current con-
sumption due to large
voltage drop.
• Impeller blocked by
impurities. Increased
current consumption in
all three phases.
• Discharge pipe is
Pump operates at be-
low-standard perform-
snapped off
ance and
• Impeller blocked by
power consumption.
• Distance between
impeller and suction
plate has been
• Wrong direction of
• Discharge valve
Pump operates, but
gives no liquid.
closed or blocked.
• Non-return valve blo-
• Air in pump.
• Level switch out of
Pump cycling between
start and stop.
adjustment or defec-
Warranty Conditions
We grant for the described product in the warranty receipt a war-
ranty of declared duration in the warranty receipt. The warranty
• Have the cable and
starts with the first start up, latest with the day of sale. A warranty
motor checked and
claim can be raised only by presentation of the fill in warranty
repaired by a quali-
receipt together with the purchase receipt.
fied electrician.
Our warranty extends only the removal of material defects or
production defects. Costs for removal and installation of the
• Install fuses of the
complained product at the installation place, costs for the ride of
correct type.
the mechanicians to the location and from the installation place
• Clean the impeller.
as well as costs for transport are not components of our war-
ranty. Complains caused by installation faults or operating faults,
• Check the level
unsuitable operation conditions, deficient care or improper efforts
of repair are out of the question of warranty as well as normal
wear. Hereby arised costs, especially costs for checking and
• Set the relay in
transport are bearing by the sender or operator of the pump. This
accordance with
is also valid for an asserted warranty claim if a check results that
the specifications
the unit works faultless and is free of defects. All products have a
on the pump label.
high quality standard. Each product is defeated by a streng tech-
• Measure the volt-
nical end control before delivery. If the unit still gives an occasion
age between two
motor phases. Tol-
for a legitimated complain, you have the claim of an appropriated
erance: ±10% (±5%
correction free of charge. Warranty repairs only must lead from
for explosion-proof
the manufacturer or an authorized agency. Trials of repair by the
customer or non-authorized persons during the warranty, causes
• Clean the impeller.
an extinguishing of the warranty. A warranty repair achieved by
us does not extend the warranty period. Replaced spare parts
give no reasons for a new warranty period. Extensive claims are
excluderd, especially such as diminution, change or compensa-
• Lay the discharge
tion also for any kind of follow up damages.
pipe without bends
• Clean the impeller.
To guarantee a quick transaction of a warranty claim, please re-
turn the product together with the warranty receipt, purchase re-
• Reduce the dis-
ceipt and declaration of defect carriage paid to the manufacturer
tance between im-
(for the adress see warranty receipt).
peller and suction
plate (see mainte-
Claims caused by damages of transport could be only accepted,
nance and repair)
if the damage is established or confirmed by delivery in the pres-
or replace the
ence of the forwarder, parcel service, train or post.
worn-out parts
• Check the direction
of rotation and pos-
sibly interchange
two phases (see
section 6.4.)
• Check the dis-
charge valve and
open and/or clean.
• Clean the non-
return valve.
• Vent the pump.
• Check the level

Warranty receipt

Pump type
Correspond to our warranty conditions
we achieve
HOMA Pumpenfabrik GmbH
Industriestraße 1
D-53819 Nk.-Seelscheid
Telefon: + 49 (0) - 22 47 - 70 20
Telefax: + 49 (0) - 22 47 - 7 02 44
Train station: D-53819 Nk.-Seelscheid
12 months of warranty



Diese Anleitung auch für:

H700 series
